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Grade of coal, Marks of coal, Characterization of coal products UA РУС

Mark of coal

Characterization of coal products:

labeling of coal, the specification of coal, coal brand, grade of coal, coal quality

Grade A (anthracite).

Anthracite coal combine with the vitrinite reflectance index of more than 2.59%. When you exit volatile matter less than 8% of the anthracites also includes coals with vitrinite reflectance of 2.2 to 2.59%. Most of the anthracite coal used for energy purposes. Medium and large classes of them serve as a smokeless fuel in the domestic sector. Part goes to the production of anthracite thermoanthracite, which in turn is used as the main filler in the manufacture of carbon cathode blocks for the electrolysis of the aluminum industry. Anthracite also used for the production of silicon carbide and aluminum carbide.

Mark D (long).

Long-flame coals are coals with vitrinite reflectance ranging from 0.4 to 0.79% with the release of volatile substances more than 28-30% in powder or slabospekayuschemsya nonvolatile residue. Long-flame coal and are not sintered to energy coals. Areas of use of the coal - energy and domestic fuel, so their most important characteristic is the heat of combustion. When you move to the next mark DG calorific value of coal increases significantly. Studies have shown that long-flame coal with low ash can serve as a good raw material for production of synthetic liquid fuels and chemical products, coke and getting molded spherical absorbers, low-temperature (700 degrees) coking.

Brand DG (long gas).

Long-flame gas coals are coals with vitrinite reflectance ranging from 0.4 to 0.79% with the release of volatile substances more than 28-30% in powder or slabospekayuschemsya nonvolatile residue. These coals are intermediate between coal grades D and G. From long-flame coal, they differ in the presence of sintering (the thickness of the plastic layer of 6-9 mm, and from the gas with the same sintering - a little fragile and high mechanical strength. The latter determines the prevalence of such coarse coal -middle classes. DG brand coals is also referred to a group of steam coal. To participate in coke production, they are unsuitable, because formed coke has a low mechanical strength and high reactivity.

Mark G (gas).

Coal and gas are two technological groups. Vitrinite coals (vitrinite reflectance index from 0.5 to 0.89%) with the release of volatile substances 38% or more, the plastic layer with a thickness of 10 to 12 mm form a group of 1G, and inertinitovye vitrinite coals with vitrinite reflectance of 0.8 - 0.99%, volatile matter 30% or more and a thickness of plastic layer 13 to form a 16 mm band 2G. Humidity of the gas coal is typically less than 10%, ash content varies from 7 to 35% with a predominance of ash content of 10-15%. Gas coals are mainly used as energy and domestic fuel. In coking coals are sent to the thickness of 2r plastic layer is more than 13 mm. Limited ability to use coal gas in the charge coke plants producing metallurgical coke, due to the fact that they are layered in the coking process are responsible for the formation of microcracks in the coke, significantly reducing its strength. Gas coal plastic layer with a thickness of 8-12 mm are used for the production of molded coke and spherical absorbers, and coal thickness of the plastic layer is less than 8 mm - for gasification and semi-coking. Low-ash coals are vitrinite grade D with the release of volatile substances more than 42% are good raw material for production of synthetic liquid fuels.

Grade B (Brown).

Brown coals are characterized by low value of reflectance of vitrinite (less than 0.6%) and high volatile matter (more than 45%). Brown coals are divided depending on the humidity in the technology group: 1B (relative humidity above 40%), 2B (30-40%), 3B (30%). Brown coals Kansk-Achinsk coal basin consist mainly of a group 2B, and partly - 3B (a measure of vitrinite reflectance 0,27-0,46%), brown coal Moscow Basin belong to the group 2B, coal, and Pawlowski fields Bikin (Primorskiy Kray) are Group 1B. Brown coal is used as an energy fuel and chemical feedstock.

Mark Kyaw (gas otoschenny bold).

Coal gas fatty otoschennye the values ​​of the yield of volatile substances and the thickness of the plastic layer are intermediate between coal and combustible G brands. There are two technological groups. In the technology group identified 1GZHO coals with vitrinite reflectance less than 0.8% and volatile matter less than 38% of the plastic layer with a thickness of 10 to 16 mm. The group 2GZHO includes coals with vitrinite reflectance index of 0,80-0,99%, volatile matter less than 38% of the plastic layer with a thickness of 10-13 mm, as well as coals with vitrinite reflectance 0,80-0,89% of volatile matter 36% or more at a thickness of plastic layer 14-16mm. Humidity Kyaw brand ranges 6-8%, ash content - 6-40%. The carbon content varies between 78-85% of hydrogen - from 4.8 to 6.0%, 0.2-0.8% sulfur. Coal grade Kyaw characterized by a wide variation of properties, which does not recommend their use for any one direction. Coals of 1GZHO thickness of the plastic layer less than 13 mm can not exceed 20% of furnace feed coke plants, and only under the condition that the rest of the mixture contains well caking coals with vitrinite reflectance index from 1 to 1.5%. Coals of 2GZHO are good raw material for carbonization (especially when vitrinite reflectance index of at least 0.85%) and may represent more than half of the charge. Fyuzinitovye 1GZHO coal group (subgroup 1GZHOF) is completely unsuitable for the production of metallurgical coke, and can be used in the domestic (large classes) or energy (small classes) sectors.

Mark GJ (gas rich).

Coal gas fatty occupy an intermediate position between brands of coals F and K and are divided into two groups. The group combines 1GZH coals with vitrinite reflectance 0,5-0,79%, volatile matter 38% or more and a thickness of plastic layer more than 16 mm. The group combines 2GZH coals with vitrinite reflectance 0,8-0,99%, volatile matter 36% or more, the plastic layer thickness 17-25 mm. From gas coals GJ Brand has a higher coking and coal from the brand X - over a high yield of volatile substances. Coals of mark GJ are mainly used in the coking industry, and are at grades of coal, especially valuable for coking. In most cases they can completely replace the fat coals in the blend coking plants. Concentrate grade coals with ash GJ less than 2% are useful as a binder in the manufacture of the electrode and the carbon and graphite products, coal grade combustible and suitable for the production of synthetic liquid fuels.

Mark M (bold).

Coal fatty subdivided into two groups. The first group (1F) are coals with vitrinite reflectance 0,8-1,19%, volatile matter 28-35,9% and the thickness of the plastic layer is 14-17 mm. The second group (2Y) are coals with vitrinite reflectance 0,8-0,99%, volatile matter 36% or more, the plastic layer with a thickness of 26 mm or more. This group also includes coals with similar vitrinite reflectance values ​​of the index, but with the release of volatiles from 30 to 36% of the plastic layer with a thickness of 18 mm and above. Also included in the group 2Y coals with vitrinite reflectance 1-1,19% with the release of volatile substances at least 30% of the plastic layer with a thickness not less than 18 mm. F grade coals are particularly valuable coking coal and are used primarily in the coking industry, ranging from 20 to 70% of coke production. Coke produced from coal grade F, has a high structural strength.

Mark QOL (coke bold).

Coal and Coke fatty distinguished as coals with vitrinite reflectance 0,9-1,29%, the plastic layer thickness of 18 mm, with a volatile matter of 25-30%. The main consumer of QOL is a trademark beehive coke industry. Out of all grades of coal used for coke production, they have the highest coking. High-quality metallurgical coke are obtained without mixing with other brands of charcoal. In addition, they can be taken without changing the quality of coke and 20% filler coals CA, CS and OS.

Mark K (Coke).

Coal and Coke are characterized by vitrinite reflectance index from 1 to 1.29%, as well as a good sintering. The thickness of the plastic layer is 13-17 mm for coals with vitrinite reflectance 1,0-1,29% and 13 mm and above with a measure of reflectance of vitrinite 1,3-1,69%. Devolatilization is in the range 24-24,9%. Without mixing them with other brands of charcoal provide obtaining conditioned metallurgical coke. The quality of the coke may significantly increase when mixed with coal of grade coals 20-40% F, GJ, and QOL.

Mark KO (Coke otoschenny).

Coal and Coke otoschennye are coals with a volatile matter, which is close to the values ​​of coke coals, but with a thinner layer of plastic - 10-12 mm. Vitrinite reflectance index - 0,8-0,99%. Coal grade CO are mainly used for production of metallurgical coke as an additive to coal brands GJ and J.

Make IOS (slabospekayuschiysya Low-coke).

Coal and Coke slabospekayuschiesya Low-characterized indicator of vitrinite reflectance from 0.8 to 1.09%. When coking without mixing with other coals, they give a little mechanically robust, highly abrasive coke. They are used both in the coking industry, as well as in energy and the domestic sector. Coal grade IOS can also be used to produce synthetic gas.

Mark of the COP (Coke slabospekayuschiysya).

Coal and Coke slabospekayuschiesya characterized by low sintering (the thickness of plastic layer 6-9 mm from the reflectance of vitrinite 1,1-1,69%. Coal KS used in primarily in the coking industry as a component of the emaciated. Part of the coal used for stratified combustion in industrial boilers and domestic sectors. Coal and Coke slabospekayuschiesya characterized by low sintering (the thickness of plastic layer 6-9 mm from the reflectance of vitrinite 1,1-1,69%. Coal KS used in primarily in the coking industry as a component of the emaciated. Part of the coal used for stratified combustion in industrial boilers and domestic sectors. Make the OS (otoschenny caking).

Caking coals otoschennye indicators are vitrinite reflectance from 1.3 to 1.8% and volatile content less than 21.9%. The thickness of the plastic layer of 2 ° C is 6-7 mm, and for the group 1OS - 9-12 mm of vitrinite and 10-12 mm at fyuzinitovom. Humidity grade coals mined OS does not exceed 8-10%. Ash content ranged from 7 to 40%. The sulfur content in the Kuznetsk basin does not exceed 0.6% in Karaganda sometimes reaches 1.2% in the Donbass 1,2-4,0%. The carbon content of 88-91% hydrogen 4,2-5,%. The main consumer of coal grade OS is coke-chemical industry, and these coal - one of the best components in the emaciated coke production. Some of the coal brand operating without mixing with other brands of charcoal give a high quality metallurgical coke, coking, but they develop a lot of pressure distention on the walls of coke ovens, coke from the ovens shall be issued only with great difficulty that leads to a rapid exit from the furnace system. Therefore, coal coke grades OS is usually mixed with coal grades D and combustible having a high degree of shrinkage.

Brand TC (thin slabospekayuschiysya).

The coals are characterized by thin slabospekayuschiesya volatile matter less than 22% and very low sintering (the thickness of the plastic layer is less than 6 mm. Moisture of coal mined TS is low - 4-6%. Ash is in the range 6-45%. The carbon content of 89-91% hydrogen 4,0-4,8%. Sulfur content in coals of the Kuzbass 0,3-0,5% 0,8-4,5% of Donbass. Coal and TS are used as in the coking industry, and mainly in the energy sector, large-middle classes of this grade of coal is a good smokeless fuel for small boilers and individual home use.

Mark CC (slabospekayuschiysya).

Coal slabospekayuschiesya characterized by vitrinite reflectance index in the range 0,7-1,79%, the thickness of the plastic layer less than 6 mm, and the release of volatiles, characteristic of a good coking coal grades K, QL, K, CS and OS. Moisture of coal mined reaches 8-9%. Ash content ranged from 8 to 45%. The sulfur content is typically less than 0.8%. The carbon content ranges from 74 to 90% of hydrogen from 4.0 to 5.0%. Mainly used in large power plants, industrial boilers and domestic sectors. In a limited number of specific types of SS grade coals used in the blend coking plants.

Mark T (thin).

The coals are characterized by thin volatile substances from 8 to 15.9% with the index of vitrinite reflectance from 1.3 to 2.59%, no caking. Used primarily in power and in the domestic sector, with the condition of low ash can be used to produce carbon fillers in electrode production.



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